Sunday, April 13, 2008

Screwtape Letter 20

I really believe that letter twenty tells a lot about our society and men these days. When men are looking for mates, they are easily attracted to a women that looks how society has framed out someone should look. In our society today, we are told that women who are attractive are skinny, don’t wear a lot of clothes, have long hair, who are flirtatious and give the guy a lot of attention. Guys are no longer looking for women who have substance. They are always looking at the physical appearance first and then try to find something inside. I think this is why we have a lot of failed marriages in our society. People should look for mates not just based on the outside and what they can get based on the outside, but look in the inside. If we can really look at someone from the inside out, they will be a truly beautiful person in and out and that’s the best relationship to have.

1 comment:

Jacki said...

I completely agree with your blog. It is very sad the way men are taught to portray women through the media and society today. I also agree that this is probably one of the biggest problems in marriages. If a man cannot accept his wife the way she is and imagines an impossible being nothing good can come of the marriage. When people learn to see past the way others look and learn to love them for who they are we will have a lot more successful marriages and relationships.