Sunday, March 30, 2008

Letter 14

I think letter 14 says a lot about our society and many people today. It is so easy today for people to get hard on themselves when they do not succeed in something or someone puts them down. This leads to a lot of internal conflict. I think that the devil’s aim is really to tear down people and their self-esteem. Once he is able to do that, we turn to some of the temporary joys that I talked about in my last letter such as alcohol, sex, and drugs. Even though we are happy when we are experiencing these joys, we find out that they are not long-lasting. Our problems are long-lasting until we find the appropriate guidance. A lot of people have difficult times asking people for help when they have self-esteem issues, but that is such an important time to ask people for help. It is important also to mention that the people you talk to should be positive and not also struggling with self-esteem issues and wanting to tear you down. Like people say “misery enjoys company”. I think that really in order to really find an inner strength, we need to pray and talk to the Lord for his guidance.


charlene medina said...

I agree with you in regards to the self-esteem issues. People definitely have a hard time seeking for help. I feel that it may due to fear of being rejected and being looked down on. We must admit that there are cold hearted people out there that rely on putting people down to keep their selves feel better. Having a low self-esteem can be very damaging and also lead to other things like depression and even suicide. In other cases like you mentioned before, people seek out for a quick escape like sex,drugs,alcohol,etc., and end up in a deeper hole once that moment is gone.

Stephen said...

I agree with you last comment whole heartedly. Pray is such a powerful thing and can make you feel much better. The important thing about prayer that people need to remember is that it is not a cure. People often get upset when their prayers are not answered. A relationship with God is necessary for your prayers to be answered (or the faith that they are answered even when maybe nothing has actually changed) and a relationship with God cannot be formed overnight, it must be a work in progress.

JBickley33 said...

I agree with you as well...asking for help especially in today's society can be a daunting and almost dooming task. People are more likely to see you as weak if you ask for help, or see you as incapable. This is the last thing anyone ever wants. However, like you also said, praying to God and asking for guidance doesn't put you at risk for the ridicule and chastising we may receive from our peers.

DANNY'S BLOG said...

Well written Jessica. I agree with you completely. Temporary joys only make us angrier or more confused. Buying things, drinking, having sex, are all appropriate at times but doing them for joy to fill a void that is killing you will not establish anything important. It's like taking out a student loan or something, it's good now but you're gonna have to pay for it at some point and deal with the real problem.